Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

He did not come to punish, He came to be punished.
He did not come to hate (people), He came to Love.
He did not come to take vengeance, but to redeem.
He did not come to beat His lost children, but to adopt everyone who is willing.
He did not come to tear us down, but to build us up.
He did not come to belittle you, but to exalt you into His glory.
He did not come to insult you, but to encourage you.
He did not come to spit in your face, but to take your place.
He did not come to disappoint you, He came to appoint you a joint heir of His nature and life.
He did not come to cast you out, but to take you in.
He did not come to rub your face in the mud, but to make you His bud (friend).
He did not come to take your passions, but to give you His.
He did not come to take your fun, but to throw the biggest eternal party you could have.
He did not come to take your smile, but to give you joy inexpressible that will last a while (eternity).
He did not come to put you down, He came to give you a crown.
He did not come to make fun of your weakness, but to empower you with His strength.
He did not come to start denominations, He came to advance a Kingdom.
He did not come to bring a new religion, He came to restore His family.
He did not come to enforce the law, but to show us the Highest Law of all (Love).
He did not come to Lord His authority over us, but to serve those whom He Loves most.
He did not come to force people to believe, He came to give us the choice to receive.
He did not come to point at all your sin, but to trhow them in the sea of forgetfulness, He came to show you that the only true victory we will ever have, is found only in HIM!!

Wow, Glory to Jesus!

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